In the summer we moved to the Outer Banks of NC. It was a crazy awful and crazy wonderful move! We have been sick over leaving family and friends...mostly sick over the norm that we had created. Our norm was comfortable but yet we felt we needed to make this change. 14 hours is a long way! We have grown to count our blessings, appreciate our now, thank God for all we have and not what we feel we've lost. We have an amazing view from our rented town home. We had 4 choices for rentals when we moved here. I was perplexed over the first one, the next two made me cry and the 4th was this one and I swear I heard the Hallelujah Chorus start singing when we walked in. :) It had wide stairs....I could finally see how everything would fit. They didn't allow dogs (non of the rentals did) and so our $1000 shelter dog is now staying with my girlfriend and her family. She calls me with foster dog reports. So sweet!
My mom has been irreplaceable with all of her help toward getting our stuff to us and getting our house on the market. Money cannot repay her for all that she has done. We could not have made it this far without her!!
We had a rough start however God has directed us in such a way that we are truly acclimated and feel apart of this community in the short time that we've been here. I have gotten the opportunity to sing several times. I was able to play a couple of games of softball. Steve and I will play together in this next season starting in May! We are a part of an awesome church. This church personifies the meaning behind having a church family. They have already shown their love for us in so many ways. The girls got the best First Grade Teacher and Kindergarten Teacher. The personality of their teachers fit right along with the personality of each of our girls. Such a HUGE blessing! I have gotten the opportunity to substitute teach at a Christian Academy and will be taking the substitute teaching class starting next week so that I can teach for the county in the public school system. We have some of what seems to be lifelong friends in the making! I have 3 besties - one that reminds me of my girl that's listed in the beginning of this post, one that has 4 girls that we have enjoyed numerous playdates with (and a BIG DEAL to me as a momma is that I trust her with my girls and she trusts me with her's) and then my other bestie is the same age as me with a girl in Madi's class and we just clicked. Each of them a huge blessing in mine and my family's lives!
I have been slow to getting stuff done but I am now almost done with putting Christmas away. Part of me what's to beat myself up for taking so long to put it away and the other part of me is just so happy that it's getting done that I can't do anything but feel grateful. For the first time, I actually went through what was in the boxes. I am getting rid of an overflowing bag of Christmas stuff that we no longer need or use. Yea, me! I hope you are having a fantastic beginning to 2014 and I wish you blessings throughout the year!